Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pagi-nation: It's all about the Jitterbug

Welcome to the weekly instalment of "Pagi-Nation," in which I spin round my room and pluck an unsuspecting volume off my shelves.

Well, I don't think there can be anything more divergent from Henry James than this week's pick: Tom Robbins' Jitterbug Perfume. In fact, the only thing in common is that they nestle close together on my bookshelf--because I read them in the 80s.

Here's the quote, from right at the beginning of the novel:

Priscilla lived in a studio apartment. It was called a "studio" apartment because art is supposed to be glamorous and landlords have a vested interest in making us believe that artists prefer to sleep in their workrooms. Real artists almost never live in studio apartments. There isn't enough space, and the light is all wrong."

Here are a random smattering of questions: Hey, art is so glamorous, isn't it? Where is your workroom? Have you read Tom Robbins, and what do you think of him? What is your own pagi-nation of the week?

I would like to thank everyone who comments on my blog. It is truly a delight to be in conversation with each one of you.

Have a happy writing week.

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