Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Scintillating Summer Schedule

Summer vacation is upon us. 3 boys = noise = inability to hear myself think. The one thing I must preserve is my novel-writing time, so something has to give.

In an effort to preserve sanity, I will be posting only on Tuesdays and Fridays until mid-September on this blog, and on Mondays over at Middle Grade Mafioso.

It all starts this Friday with a further investigation of June's Craft Book of the Month: How to Write a Damn Good Novel II.

Is it full steam ahead for you and your blog this summer? Or will you be pulling up the drawbridge and taking a bit of a break?


  1. It will be full steam ahead for me! I'm off from work for the summer.

    I had to cut back this spring because of my kids' activities and family events. Even though they're home with me, no schedule = prime writing time. Yippee!!

  2. I've thought about slowing down on the interview series I run, but I haven't decided yet. This is my kiddo's first week out of school, so my blog productivity may depend on how many summer camps she does!

  3. I've already backed off blogging some. I'm still posting 3x weekly, but I've cut back on the number of blogs I visit. I was blogging more than actually writing; trying to balance it out! Enjoy your summer!


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