Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom for Writers (and Everyone Else Too)

Not quite the zippy title I was initially planning, but I figured most of what I want to say could be applied to a broader readership than just "writers."

My blogging is beginning to take on a schedule:

Sunday: Pagi-nation. (I like "Random Reading," which is what one commenter called it)

Monday: Microfiction Monday

Wednesday: The NEW and SHINY "Words of Wisdom." I will come up with some little aphorism or quote that I can carry through the week. I will also use the space to plug blogs I've come across that I particularly like. This week there are two.

Anyway: here's this week's "WoW" courtesy of Cervantes.

"Digo, patiencia y barajar."

Now I'm tempted to let you all think I am a master of the Spanish language, instead of just having studied it for O level in England. (The equivalent of Harry's OWLS, for you Potter fans.) But I actually came across it in my trusty Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations while looking for a snappy rejoinder for how impatient I am feeling about this writing business. I mean, everything seems to move at glacial speed. And I'm not the most patient person on the planet. So "What I say is patience, and shuffle the cards." I presume Cervantes didn't mean the Tarot deck, either.

What are you feeling impatient about right now? Will shuffling the cards help?

Finally: additions to my (Blog)Roll of Honor. Casey McCormick's Literary Rambles is just plain excellent: agent spotlights, writing tips, and more. All authors should subscribe.

I've also just come across Robert Kent's Middle-Grade Ninja blog. Again, more great stuff: 7 Questions for Writers, book reviews, and the Ninja's musings (this week it's on The Muse.) Check out Robert's writing. I couldn't have put his "musings"better myself. Literally.

Patience, people!

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