Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And Now the End is Near: Update

The end, not of the blog, but of the current WIP. Because the kiddos have been supervised by someone other than me for the past couple of weeks, I've been able to write in the morning for several HOURS. I am fast closing in on the end of rewrite #5 (or is it 6?) and things are starting to gel. Maybe I'll have a product I can be proud of by the end of the summer.

Mary Kole had a post a few days back about whether unpubbed writers should blog. You can read it in its entirety here. The upshot: she didn't think it was necessary. The reason, in her own words:

If you have a blog where you can give people really valuable content, tips, and things to make their lives better (or at least to give them good cocktail party conversation), do it. If you are just thinking of blogging because everyone else does it or you heard that agents won’t consider you unless you have a blog, don’t.

(If you read my blog, please continue to natter about it as you sip cocktails on the party circuit.)

But back to Mary Kole's post: she believes, rightly, that blogs foster a sense of community. As I near the 6 month mark of my own blogging adventure, that has been the greatest boon. I've communicated with people I'd never have a chance to in "real" life. The Microfiction Monday crew has been wonderful--I look forward to hearing from them every week. Also, I have 16 declared followers, which is positively super. (Pour more cocktails, fellows.) Occasionally, others will tell me they're enjoying my blog. Thank you, EGO BOOSTER CLUB.

So, before I head off on massive vacation #2, if you read this blog I would love for you to leave me a comment, complete with the name of your favorite cocktail/mocktail for our own cyber cocktail party. And here's a big fat CYBER SMOOCH from me for taking the time to read and write and comment and follow. I'll take the comment verification off to make things easier for you to do so.

Cheers, and thanks.


  1. To celebrate writing and online friends and followers and all kinds of stuff..... pass me a mojito please!

  2. I love your blog, because then I get to read your writing regularly. :)

    Mojarita for me.

    Do I get a real-life big fat smooch instead? I certainly hope so!

  3. Oh I just love reading your angst....
    and for being a great dad....I'll buy you a drink


If comments be the food of love, comment on. Give me excess of them... (With apologies to The Bard)